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The Jonesboro Church of Christ is a non-denominational, independent group of believers who make it our primary aim to walk with God every day (I John 1:7). We do not claim to be the only Christians, but we do strive to be Christians only. The tendency in our country is to cling to respective denominational labels rather than simply to the LORD and His word. People are often more familiar with denominational policy, religious procedure, and unique creedal positions than being intimately familiar with the Word of God (John 5:39; Acts 17:11; Psalm 119:11).

The blood-covered sinners who worship God at Jonesboro are simply Christians attempting to replicate first-century Christianity in a twenty-first-century world. As seekers of truth, our primary goal is to be diligent investigators of the Word of God (II Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17) and to be intimately connected to the God of the Word (John 17:3). We believe that this two-fold pursuit of God and His word will produce a commitment to a lifestyle of worship that begins on Sunday and propels us throughout the week (Romans 12:1-2). We are eager for you to join us in a pursuit of God and His word as we worship Him in our everyday lives.